Established in 1965, DCEA, Inc. is a Community Action Agency serving 30 counties in Tennessee and 2 counties in Kentucky. The purpose of the Agency is to help families living in poverty improve their lives by providing them with assistance and services that they are not able to provide for themselves. The focus of the Agency is to help people help themselves.

Douglas Cherokee Economic Authority, Inc.

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Community Services

Douglas Cherokee Economic Authority, Inc.
Community Services
Neighborhood Service Centers
The Neighborhood Service Centers are funded primarily by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) through the Tennessee Department of Human Services and THDA. The centers provide emergency services in the form of vouchers for limited help with rent/mortgage evictions, utility disconnect notices and food. They also distribute USDA Surplus Commodity food, provide job placement services and provide limited home visits and errands for elderly and disabled clients.
The goal of the LIHEAP program is to aid low-income households with the high cost of home heating or cooling. Clients may apply at designated times each year for a one-time payment to their utility provider. The program has two components. Crisis assistance is available throughout the year until funds are exhausted. Some of the requirements include: households must meet poverty guidelines, have a disconnect notice for their utilities or have less than a 30-day supply of home heating fuel. Energy assistance is the largest component and receives applications year round. Specific program eligibility requirements apply to each component.
Counties Served: Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Monroe and Sevier
Emergency Rental Assistance-Eviction Prevention Program (ERA-EPP)
ERA-EPP, created through THDA helps eligile clients with rental assistance to prevent eviction. The program serves clients in Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Monroe and Sevier counties.
Clients Eligible: For assistance under the CSBG program, clients must establish a need for the service, meet 125% of poverty income guidelines and meet other specific program requirements. The USDA Commodity and LIHEAP programs requires households be under the 150% poverty income guidelines.
LIHEAP Main Office (423)318-6933
Neighborhood Service Centers
Open to serve clients M-F 9am-4:00 pm (Closed for lunch 12-1pm)
Cocke County
353 Driskill Circle
Newport, TN 37821
Mailing: P.O. Box 68
Newport, TN 37822
P: 423-623-3066
Grainger County
7765 Rutledge Pike
Rutledge, TN 37861
Mailing: P.O. Box 191
Rutledge, TN 37861
P: 865-828-5228
F: 865-828-6072
Hamblen County
424 North High Street
Morristown, TN 37813
P: 423-587-3076
Jefferson County
Physical: 1409 Russell Ave., Suite A
Mailing: P.O. Box 306
Jefferson City, TN 37760
P: 865-475-4745
F: 865-471-6081
Monroe County
884 Englewood Road
Madisonville, TN 37354
P: 423-442-3769
F: 423-442-7928
Sevier County
750 Old Knoxville Hwy.
Sevierville, TN 37864
Mailing: P.O. Box 4432
Sevierville, TN 37862
F: 865-774-9719

Meals on Wheels Senior Nutrition Program
More Than A Meal®
The Meals on Wheels Senior Nutrition Program provides home delivered meals to the homebound and site specific congregate meals for those still active enough to attend functions. Our congregate program promotes staying active and healthy by giving seniors a reason to fellowship with others while enjoying a nutritious meal. Our homebound participants receive the benefit of someone checking on them weekly, as well as receiving at least five nutritious meals per week. Senior Nutrition ensures that each senior gets at least one third of the recommended daily allowance of nutrients for older adults by providing fruits, juices, dairy products and bread products to supplement the five frozen microwaveable entrees. The program strives to break the cycle of poor nutrition leading to poor health.
Presently, Senior Nutrition provides services for approximately 650 clients in six counties. The program serves low-income and disabled seniors. While income is not a factor in determining eligibility, the majority of our applicants are at or below poverty level. Eligibility is based upon nutritional need, age, and daily activity limitations.
Grant funding does not provide the total amount needed to support the program entirely. Sponsorships are available for anyone wishing to provide a monthly monetary amount to help a senior receive nutritious meals. In addition, any and all general donations are accepted at any time.
Counties served: Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Monroe, and Sevier
For more information call 423-587-4500.
More Than A Meal® and Together, We Can Deliver® are registered trademarks of Meals on Wheels America and are used under license.